For dance students and professional dancers

Every dancer knows that the rotational velocity in a pirouette increases if the arms are close to the body or that the body balance is more stable in the fourth position of feet but… few know why.

The laws of physics govern dancers’ movements and affect the shape and style of their execution.

Although most dancers say that on stage they do not think about anything, really they think and think a lot to dance well, because they have to comply with the physics laws.

Knowing how physics principles apply to movements can lead dancers to respect them more easily, speeding up the learning of their own body, improving their performance and overcome difficulties in balance, pirouettes and jumps.

Understanding the physics of dance can explain how to control the rate of turn, the height of jump and the body balance and it can clear up the reasons why some movements require more effort.

In a Dance&Physics class dancers are provided with a tool to understand how to perform the dance movements more efficiently, minimizing the effort and maximizing the aesthetics of the movement.

The class gives important insights that contribute to improvement of dance technique.

Knowing the physics is not enough to be able to dance, but the use of this knowledge during an academic training improves the ability of a dancer as well as its cultural baggage.

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